
Extended Employment

ESW offers opportunities to gain real work experience in a supervised, safe and friendly work environment.  This program is targeted for individuals who are in need of an extended time period of training and supervision; and or for those who desire a sheltered work environment.  Each participant client is advanced vocational rehabilitation services and training lessons.  Individual goal setting and progress tracking is undertaken with an objective to aid in enhancing their skill sets and self-confidence. 

The Extended Employment program offered by ESW Occupational Services is intended to provide as realistic as possible work experience to individuals with disabilities who are not currently seeking a competitive job in the community at this time.  The program offers a variety of light manufacturing, assembly and packaging jobs assignments to the participants, in order to gain meaningful experience.

This Extended Employment community rehabilitation program is part of a rehabilitation program engaged in production or service operations for the primary purpose of providing employment combined with rehabilitation services, as an interim step in the rehabilitation process. 

Supported Employment

ESW Occupational Services provides specialized Supported Employment services to assist individuals in obtaining and sustaining competitive positions in the community.  An Employment Specialist will seek to match the participant client’s interests and skill sets with outside employment opportunities available in the marketplace.  Our employment counselors work one-on-one with each individual to supply support and assistance in the job exploration review, employment application process, onsite and zoom interviewing meetings, and training for the skills needed to succeed in the commercial marketplace. 

Our job coaches also provide these important support services to our participant clients during the initial start of employment.  At that time, it is critical to build good skill sets and work habits, that will propel the individual into long term successful community employment.  Further for those people who require additional ongoing support during their outside employment tenure, long-term-follow-along services are available.  

The goal of the ESW Supported Employment service programs is to help participant clients obtain and retain long-term positions in community integrated employment, that will match their strengths and interests, allowing them to gain more autonomy and independence.  Each service program offered is tailored for the needs of each individual participant client.  ESW seeks to make the service platform advanced to each person flexible and adaptable to the specific needs of each individual’s needs.